Thursday, March 12, 2009


Even though this week's schedule is much more free from last 2 weeks, I still cannot managed to blog in time.

Tuesday's Bento:

FYI, I don't eat sausage often. This time I bought for making this sausage flower :D

Everything is packed and ready to go! oh, the bread is for breakfast :)

Wednesday's Bento:

Salad and sotong for snacks ;)

Oh, I found this on CP's,
I must have think twice before getting this, cus I've been spending quite a lots on bento gears already.

RM50 for this 3 furikake frame and cutters. Is it worth??
ANYONE SPONSOR ME PLS???? :( :( :( :(
I want them so badly.... :( :( :( :( :( :(


Emily said...

Gurl! whats that sandwich doing in that zip lock bag?? U just bought a sandwich box and bag right?

Anonymous said...

the bread was prepared by mom! haha, she forgot to use the sandwich box and bag..